World Commerce & Contracting Podcast
World Commerce & Contracting Podcast
Can the contracting process improve without an owner?
Tech won't fix contract problems
For more than 20 years, organizations have tried to simplify and streamline their contracting process. Many have tested or implemented contract management tools and systems, but to little effect. Now, as digitization gathers pace, contracting increasingly sticks out like a sore thumb – or, as one sales executive observed ‘Getting a contract is like having a root canal’.
Failure is not inevitable! And technology is definitely part of the solution. But success depends on fixing the core issue of fragmentation - the organizational structures that lead to unconnected data pools and confused decision rights. Without action, technology deployments will continue to fail. In this podcast, Tim Cummins, WorldCC President and Nicola Brooks, Director, KPMG Law, KPMG in the UK talk to Bill Deckelman, General Counsel at DXC Technologies about the truly human effort that needs to be undertaken in order to drive change across an organization.